Tuesday 11 August 2015

Work it

Sponsor quotes: 
"You got exactly what I was going for. I am amazed."
"I took a peek around your blog, your style is very informative, I like the simplicity as well of some posts letting the images speak for themselves."
"Love the fabulous review! It's very well done."
"They looked amazing and I am very happy with it."
"Thank you very much Jessica! We LOVE your review."

I pretty much categorize sponsors into two groups: Those that have done it before and those who haven't. Ones with experience know the review drill and may even provide a background narrative on themselves. I have more creative control with newbie sponsors but this can also result in lack of content to use. Frankly, I do not favor one over the other in sponsor selection. Some sponsors will specifically ask for "kind words", others want "great photos", still others request to advertise for other products they sell or to tell the audience their life story! Of course I prefer a sponsor who lets my review develop organically and run it's course. However, if I come across a product that particularly peaks my interest, I'm up for the challenge! 

As part of my reviewer obligations, I personally ensure that my blog review post and product tweet reaches at minimum 5,000 Twitter accounts. This is actually the easiest part of the process. Product photography is my favorite section. It's satisfying to generate a brilliantly staged capture! Coming up with text either flows like water or halts like hitting a dam. This has nothing to do with the product; every blogger knows the feeling of writer's block! 

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